Did your parents mess you up?

Our parents are the first people we love and look to for guidance and support. They are our first teachers, even if one or both was absent from our lives. They not only teach us how to walk and talk, they also teach us what to believe. Our beliefs about money, God, other people, what it takes to…

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EP 131: Heal Mommy Issues and Step Into Self-Love with Amy

This call is about setting boundaries with parents and establishing a sense of self. Today’s caller, Amy, calls in wanting to know how to incorporate self-love into her life but as you will hear in the call, she first needs to set boundaries and to individuate herself from her mother. Any parent-child relationship, especially the…

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Breaking the cycle


This week on the podcast, I coached on a topic I have never coached on air before: breaking the cycle of unconscious parenting. My caller, Cathy, shares about the struggles she has as a mother. She has observed insecurity and aggressive behavior in her daughter and she owns that her parenting may be creating it.…

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EP 83: Letting Go of Parental “Mistakes” with Cathy

This episode is about breaking the cycle of generational patterns. Today’s caller, Cathy, experienced corporal punishment as a child, and finds herself doing the same thing to her daughter. As you listen to the call, I hope you are able to separate her character from her behavior. Her behavior is a reaction to her past.…

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