

EP 196: Get Unstuck and Move Forward with Sara

This call is for you if you relate to feeling stuck in any area of your life. Usually, when we feel stuck it is because we feel conflicted inside. In this episode, as I coach Sara, you will learn how to work with both parts of you so you no longer feel stuck. Sara wants to pursue her dreams, but there is a part of her that is protecting her from taking the risk. She is living a “safer existence” by sticking with the job she dislikes, but by protecting herself she is preventing herself from really going after what she desires.

If you feel stuck in any area of your life, it’s because you’ve got two, or more, parts that are in conflict. They are in disagreement and that’s why you feel stuck.

Occasionally in life, we must take a leap of faith. We may have no choice. While there is fear associated with it we are able to learn from it and move forward. But you won’t learn if you always play it safe. Whether it comes to parenting our children or just the way we are with ourselves, if we try to protect from everything or try to protect someone we love from getting hurt then they never learn and they never get to explore.

Some people can take a huge leap of faith or be massive risk takers but for most people, it can be scary. I am all for taking leaps of faith but please do it consciously with all parts of you on board.

Opening our heart is letting go of control and there is uncertainty when we open our hearts.

Listen to my Coaches Corner with Ken Honda about appreciating what you have.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you ever compare yourself to people who seem to be able to take risks or leaps of faith without hesitation and do you beat yourself up for not being courageous enough to go for it?
  • Did you get your needs met in the way you really needed to as a child?
  • Is there a decision you want to make, like pursuing a new career path, but you can’t seem to get over the fear to go for it?
  • Do you feel stuck and conflicted inside like there is a part of you that wants one thing and another part of you that wants another?

Sara’s Question:

Sara has been in her job for a long time but feels stuck and would like guidance on how to see things from a different perspective.

Sara’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has a vision to become a life coach.
  • She likes to be in control.
  • She experienced a lot of heartbreak as a child.
  • She attended my Spring Retreat.
  • She developed controlling tendencies as a protective pattern.
  • She is unhappy in her current job.
  • She has had panic attacks.
  • She wants more freedom in her life.
  • She is reading Expectation Hangover.
  • She feels her control physically in her body.
  • She has a limiting belief about what will happen if she opens her heart.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She needs to renegotiate what control looks like for her.
  • She should complete the empty chair process.
  • She needs to update her limiting belief about opening her heart.
  • She should do the temper tantrum technique, release writing exercise, and the forgiveness piece in Expectation Hangover.


  • Identify what is keeping you stuck and what are the two parts that are in the standoff and then formulate a plan to take steps.
  • When you are standing on the ledge wondering if you should leap, think about how you can have a parachute or take some steps down so you feel safer.
  • If you are in a job and want to transition out of it, consider the value the current job is giving you.
  • Keep appreciating what you have, rather than focusing on what you don’t.
  • Join my Personal Mastery Online Course. You are in Mastery for life.


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It is our childlike spirit that gets us excited about new possibilities. Share on X We tend to feel stuck when we have two parts of us that are butting heads. http://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Share on X What you appreciate appreciates. http://apple.co/1hO8XZR #overitandonwithit Share on X

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