

EP 223: Go For Your Dreams with Jessica

This episode is about releasing things that are in the way of going for your dreams. Today’s caller, Jessica feels trapped and unable to take risks or make decisions about her future. She wants to find her purpose but isn’t giving herself permission to dream. We work through how she can find a balance, be curious, and learn by way of experience.

When a child has overprotective parents they can feel trapped. They feel as if they can’t be free to do what they want and that there is always someone they need permission from. Underneath the love, caring, and concern that is at the heart of overprotective parents there is also fear. A parent is overprotective because they don’t want anything to happen to their child. But, through the overprotectiveness, a child feels a sense of fear that they are unable to do anything risky or wrong because it’s not safe.

Usually, when someone grows up with overprotective parents they don’t take risks and are afraid to get out of their comfort zone.

Overprotective or strict parents can make us feel as if we need to be good to be loved. We start to think that if we take a risk or don’t do something ‘good’ or if we fail, we won’t be loved. But, if you have self-love, that is what matters most.

Most big life questions are not answered in our head. We find them by life experience and taking action.

To release self-protective behaviors, heal past pain, and reclaim your confidence, peace, power, and purpose, attend my Spring Retreat in San Diego, March 6th–8th. To accelerate your growth and invest in yourself visit ChristineHassler.com/spring-retreat or email Jill@ChristineHassler.com. Listen to this Coaches Corner episode for more information.

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Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you longing to do something more meaningful with your life — especially your career?
  • Did you have overprotective parents?
  • Are you a play-by-the-rules kind of person? Do you beat yourself up if you rebel when there may be ‘negative’ consequences?
  • How are you at risk-taking? Do you enjoy taking risks to go for your dreams or do you overthink everything?

Jessica’s Question:

Jessica feels trapped because she puts a lot of pressure on herself to discover her purpose and would like guidance on how to take her next steps.

Jessica’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She feels trapped by her past career course.
  • Her parents were overprotective.
  • She has recently taken steps to push her personal boundaries.
  • She is beginning to make her own decisions.
  • She is driven by a sense of purpose.
  • She is afraid to do the wrong thing.
  • She judges herself for making the ‘wrong’ decisions.
  • She feels compelled to help people.
  • She overthinks every decision.
  • Her brain is wired to see negativity and to assess risk.

How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • She needs to forgive herself for the judgments she feels about making decisions.
  • She needs to give herself permission to explore and dream.
  • She needs to allow herself to be curious without worrying about the consequences.


  • Think about the developmental phases you missed out on as a kid and how you have been attempting to get them.
  • Re-frame any ‘bad’ choices you may have made and see the learning from them rather than allow it to stop you from taking risks.
  • Be curious and experimental.


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You can make a significant impact on other people by loving what you do. Share on X Most big life questions are not answered in our head. We find them by life experience and taking action. Share on X You don’t need to play by the rules in order to be loved. Share on X

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