EP 204: Being OK with Not Knowing Even When You Really Want Answers with Rachael
This episode is about not having all the answers and being OK with it. Today’s caller, Rachael, has always been a planner and likes to be in control. She brings forward great questions and is beautifully coachable. If you are a planner who likes knowing things, overthinks things, and likes to have things figured out, this call may help you to know and trust that the universe has your back.
A lot of you can probably relate to wanting to have answers to all your big questions in life. Honestly, the more we think and try to figure things out, the more confused we get. Because we are in the past, present, and future all at once. True clarity comes when we are in the present — when we are not overthinking.
And, thinking is not a bad thing. Our minds and our problem-solving abilities are beautiful things. But we need to balance our thinking out with some time to flex our faith muscle with spending some time in meditation. Because then we are surrendering into the now — surrendering into the not knowing.
It’s important to have faith that things are going to turn out like they are supposed to. Having faith that you will be shown what you need to be shown when you need to be shown. Having faith that answers will come to you when they need to come. ‘Faith it until you make it’, instead of fake it until you make it. It’s a much more peaceful approach to life.
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Consider/Ask Yourself:
- Are you struggling with a decision or multiple decisions and you just can’t figure it out?
- Do you overthink and obsess about things?
- Are you a planner and just love to have all your ducks in a row?
- When it comes to having faith, do you have it completely or do you just have it under certain conditions?
Rachael’s Question:
Rachael doesn’t know what she wants in life and would like guidance on how she approaches her future concerning family and career.
Rachael’s Key Insights and Ahas:
- She is bored with her job.
- Her mother is ill.
- She’s a theatre major.
- She is thinking about potential regrets.
- She wants to be happy and to have peace of mind.
- As a child, she suffered from OCD.
- She feels that she stays engaged in things longer than she needs to.
- She has learned she is worthy of love.
- She knows she is not responsible for the emotions of others.
- She always prepares herself for the worst.
- She met her partner online.
How to Get Over It and On With It:
- She should start doing jigsaw puzzles to satiate her creative mind.
- She needs to accept the answer ‘I don’t know’ as an acceptable answer.
- She needs to lean into faith.
- Exercise your faith muscle. Consider how you can lean into greater faith and greater trust to know everything will be OK.
- Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly then take a deep breathe and know that it will all be OK.
- Exercise your creative muscles. Give your creative mind more air time.
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We think that thinking is going to provide clarity but actually thinking just confuses us more because our thinking isn’t really thinking; it’s reacting. Share on X Sometimes it is easier to feel and open up to faith because we are in a moment of desperation. Share on X You can’t plan your entire life, so please stop trying. Share on XGet Instant Clarity on Whats Holding you back from the life you want.
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