

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

Get Unstuck: How To Have More Flow In Your Life!

A common intention I hear from clients and readers is, “I want to have more flow in my life, stop controlling and be open to where the Uni-verse leads me.” And that’s a beautiful intention but if you actually want it to become reality and not just a bunch of words, some radical shifts are…

How to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination. Even though we know it is the thief of productivity we all do it.  And we temporarily enjoy it because we usually fill it with something frivolous that feels rather indulgent. Yet at the same time we feel guilty because we know something is hanging over our head. Procrastination is also the thief of…

What to do when someone pushes your buttons

Today I have an awesome step-by-step process for you when someone pushes your buttons. First I want to let the West Coasters know of a special workshop where I’ll be teaching my brand new goal-setting process on Jan 22nd. This was a sold-out HIT in New York so I’m doing it again in Los Angeles.…

I’m going to teach in Australia!!

I’m downright giddy because I’m headed to Australia in three weeks and will be teaching a special workshop there. Even if you do not live down under I encourage you to read this UPdate because I’m going to share about the magic of listening to intuition. If you live in or around Sydney, join me…

My interview with friend and miracle worker Gabby Bernstein

Happy 2013! I hope your year is already off to a magnificent start.  I’m just got back to LA after celebrating the New Year in New York and then teaching a goal-setting workshop where the room was filled to capacity!! The group was amazing and had powerful breakthroughs and miracle moments. Everyone really touched my…

A New Year’s Ritual for you

For the past eight years I have shared my New Year’s ritual to let go of the past and clarify my focus for the future.  I know many of you have joined me in this ritual and I love hearing about your experiences.  And this year to amp up this powerful process I have recorded…

Two final gifts you MUST give before the holidays are over!

I hope you are enjoying the magic of this season and that your holidays are blessed with joy, peace and love. In my yoga class this morning, the teacher asked us how many of us had moments of absolute joy this year. Everyone raised his or her hand. Then she asked us how many of…

What will end in your world today?

It is 12.21.12.  According to the Mayan calendar today was supposed to be the end of the world. Obviously we are all still here – whew! But none of us really thought the world was going to end and we are actually excited because today marks the end of an era. 12.21.21 marks the end…

Sandy Hook – What can we do?

I was sitting in the lobby of a doctor’s office when I heard the news. A woman walked in visibly upset and began talking to the receptionist about the terrible tragedy. She then told me the details of what just happened at Sandy Hook. Immediately I felt profound sadness and unbearable compassion picturing the innocent…

How to blame effectively

Last week I attended Date with Destiny, which was my first Tony Robbins event. Tony is truly masterful at what he does and I had the extra bonus of going with an awesome group of friends. One powerful takeaway that I wanted to share with you is about how to blame effectively. Tony talks a…

How to Find your Passion – It’s Not Where You Think!

A piece of advice we often hear when it comes to being successful and feeling a sense of fulfillment in life is to “follow our passion.”  But before you can follow your passion, you have to find it. So where do you look for it? How do you really discover what you are deeply passionate…

A gratitude ritual and an affirmation

I love the week of Thanksgiving because gratitude is on everyone’s mind. When we are aware of what we do have, we are a lot less inclined to obsess about all the things we don’t. Cultivating a consciousness of gratitude is a spiritual practice – it’s a MUST for anyone who is committed to living…

Wondering if your dreams will ever come true?

I was reminded of something important recently which is that every dream that comes true is often preceded by doubt that it ever will. It is often in our struggle that we are motivated to relentlessly pursue what we want. This reminder came when I was telling my story of being completely depressed and hopeless…

Don’t Delay Your Gratification

Have you ever heard or taken the advice of delaying your gratification?  We are taught the importance of “impulse control” and avoiding the very human urge for instant gratification.  In an effort to invest in our future, we exercise will power to delay our gratification. We stop ourselves from spending money on a new pair…

How to get over regret

Getting Over Regret – How To Get Over Regret Regret. We’ve all felt it at some point. Some of you are feeling it right now and you are suffering because of it. Something did or did not happen the way you wanted. You did or didn’t do something the way you wished you would have.…

Why Good Things Come to an End

Have you ever had a situation or relationship that seemed so right end up not working out? Maybe it was a career opportunity that seemed like the perfect fit, a friendship that appeared to be an instant BFF, or a romantic relationship where you were sure they were the “one?” And then it ended.  And…

Invest in the business of you

I recently attended an event hosted by Goldman Sachs celebrating small businesses and entrepreneurs. The event consisted of a panel of successful business people who dished out some great advice for business – which I found totally applicable to life.  If you treated your life and your growth as an investment, just like you would…

Why what you’re good at may not be good for you

A few days ago I was hired to speak to a room full of CEO’s and uber successful entrepreneurs about work/life balance.  I was even introduced as an expert on work/life balance, which made me laugh because I don’t believe in the concept.  It’s totally unreasonable to believe our life can be totally balanced and…

Are you milking this year for all it’s worth?

When Oct 1st hit and I realized we have only three months left in 2012, a year that has been known for it’s transformational effects for thousands of years, I immediately felt called to do something that is a game-changer. I thought, “How can I share the practices and tools that have been MOST IMPACTUL…

Ever feel like you are backtracking?

One of my pet peeves about the personal growth industry is that there is a lot of expectation placed on consistently making positive changes. The promise is that over time as we do our work, we gradually and continuously “get better” (whatever “better” means).  What often isn’t addressed is that our learning and growth isn’t…

The Flaw with the Law of Attraction

A basic principle of the Law of Attraction is that we will bring into our lives what we focus on, visualize, think about and affirm with our words. The Law of Attraction is both powerful and empowering because it helps us to remember we are co-creating our lives rather than just allowing life to happen…