

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

How do you want to be seen?

How do you want to be seen by the people you work with, your clients/customers, your friends, your family, your romantic partner, and the world in general? My guess is you’d like to be seen for your gifts, beauty, confidence and contributions. You probably don’t want to be seen for your insecurities, doubts about yourself,…

The Secret To Getting Over Anything!

The human experience is full of great stuff like love, creativity, joy, miracles, connection with others, compassion, laughter and dark chocolate. And because we as humans evolve through contrast, our experience also includes challenging situations and things we may not put in the great stuff category. But the good news about the not so great…

Come meet me in Los Angeles

I’ll be speaking at a special event in Los Angeles on September 8th called the Intuitive Warrior with Amir Zoghi and I’d love for you to come (keep reading for my top three reasons why)! This event is hosted by Be Free People and will teach you how to live effortlessly and experience total inner…

Are you focused on your capabilities or your possibilities?

Are you ready to look beyond what you currently can think of or know how to do? “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti A woman at a seminar I was at last weekend stood up and shared an “aha” moment that I…

Never feel rejected again!

Rejection can really be a bummer. Whether it hits you in your professional or personal life, feeling like you weren’t the “chosen one” brings up a lot of crummy feelings and limiting beliefs about worthiness. But the truth is that rejection is totally just an illusion. It’s not real at all. What you may be…

The Secret To Getting Over Anything!

The human experience is full of great stuff like love, creativity, joy, miracles, connection with others, compassion, laughter and dark chocolate. And because we as humans evolve through contrast, our experience also includes challenging situations and things we may not put in the great stuff category. But the good news about the not so great…

When will you say “I do”?

Last weekend I had the honor of standing up in one of my best friend’s wedding.  She and I met when we were both pursuing our Master’s degrees in spiritual psychology. As part of our degree, we had to design a project that was in alignment with a heartfelt desire or lifelong dream. Her project…

Whose baggage are you carrying?

Every one of us has our so-called “baggage” to sort through and eventually let go of so we can step into the full expression of who we are.  Our baggage can feel fairly heavy at times and what makes it feel even heavier is when we start to carry someone else’s in addition to our…

Do you like to be right?

“Choose being kind over being right, and you’ll be right every time.” Richard Carlson I’ll admit that I have liked to be right.  Actually it’s more accurate to say that my ego has liked to be right.  Has yours?  It’s okay to admit it. There is a sense of satisfaction and gratification that we get…

Are you addicted to results?

Today I want to talk about this subtle misunderstanding: “If I work on myself, I will get the results I want in my life.”  Now you may be wondering why in the world that would not be true or reasonable to believe especially since you probably understand that our external world is a reflection of…

How To Get Over A Break-Up!

A Breakup.  There is not much that feels worse than heartache from ending a romantic relationship.  Although it feels awful right now, trust that you will be okay (and are okay even if you don’t feel like it). Not all romantic relationships are supposed to last forever.  Some come with what I call an “expiration…

Are you free?

Today is all about freedom as we celebrate 4th of July in the States.  Freedom is defined as: “The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”  We are blessed to live in a country where we have these freedoms; yet so many of us are NOT free…

The Easist Way To Make A Big Difference

One of the greatest human desires is to make a difference and a meaningful contribution to the world. We want to feel like we matter. Our ego tries to convince us that the best way to do this is by doing something “big” like having an incredible career, starting a non-profit, leading a movement, inspiring…


Today I have a short story for you with some reminders for living a more peaceful life… Last week I was part of a manhunt – and not the kind that the ladies on The Bachelor are on. This was a real manhunt complete with police helicopters, a helmet wearing swat team, and a K9…

Did you get a Do-Over?

“Oh no, not this again?!?” That’s the thought we have when we find ourselves facing something (again) that we thought was behind us.  After we get through a situation or feeling we experience relief.  We had a big “aha” so much to the extent that we feel transformed.  So it can be frustrating when the…

Do you know what happened this week?

Two days ago on Tuesday June 5th, we experienced an amazing and rare phenomenon called the Venus Transit, which will not occur again for 105 years! What happened is that the planet Venus passed directly between the Sun and Earth. Why does this matter? Well if you haven’t noticed, we are all connected to the…

A FREE guided meditation from me

We all spend WAY too much time in our heads . . . and not necessarily in the most supportive and insightful places in our heads. Couple this with the fact that we are all super busy (seriously, how did we all get so busy and become human doings?) and we have a recipe for…

Why I’d love for you to join me in July

The most transformational workshop I facilitate, Chrysalis, is around the corner (July 27-29th). But before I tell you more about it, I want to share with you my personal “why” that inspired this workshop so that you understand why it is so incredibly special to me. When I was just twelve years old, I started…

Have you ever been high?

I just got back from our extraordinary spiritual adventure retreat for 14 women in Costa Rica.  It was absolutely magical – the women who came showed up ready to do deep work AND have a ton of fun.  We zip-lined through the jungle, surfed in the warm water, hiked in the tropical heat, meditated, danced,…

Love from Costa Rica!

Hi everyone! This week I’m in Costa Rica leading 14 women on a spiritual adventure retreat. I’d love for you to join us next year! So because I’m off doing things like zip-lining, yoga, surfing, and meditating (rough, I know), this week I’m sharing the words of someone else with you… This is a declaration…

Are you obsessed with the package?

This past weekend I attended a beautiful wedding in Napa with a friend who needed a last minute date.  Since I did not know the couple personally, I had very little information other than the schedule of events. The itinerary was fairly standard for wedding weekend; yet there was something different about this particular wedding…