

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

Are You Hypnotized By Your Story?

“You did what you knew how to do. And when you knew better, you did better.” Maya Angelou Do you know that only about 5-10% of what most of us do in any given day is actually conscious?  As much as we may believe that we are actively participating in life, we spend a lot…

Paralysis by analysis?

“Dreams come true when desire transforms them into concrete action.” Napoleon Hill You are awake. You are aware. You are growing in your consciousness because you have been willing to investigate and ask yourself tough questions (You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t). And your awareness is awesome! Expanding our awareness is an extremely…

The Only Quick Fix that REALLY works

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi Feeling kind of funky? Finding yourself immersed in the drama of your own life despite your desire not to be? I have a quick fix for you.  Now, I don’t believe in many quick fixes because usually they are…

Why being a people pleaser is selfish

“The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving.” French Proverb Are you concerned about what other people think of you? Do you often make decisions based on what you think will please others? Does your sense of self-worth come from the approval of others? Do you often withhold from sharing what you truly want,…

I felt like sending you some Sunday love…

Last week I answered questions about love and relationships on a free call with Christine Arylo.  The call FLEW by and we got tons of additional questions so we answered two of the most popular ones we received with those who registered for the call and I’m sharing them in today’s love letter to you…

Yesterday wasn’t my best day

Hi everyone, I just scrapped the email I had intended to send you today that was a description of the tele-class I am teaching beginning March 7th.  Instead I am going to share with you what happened for me yesterday… In the afternoon I attended a baby shower for one of my best friends.  The…

Q & A

Question: I feel like I have failed a lot when it comes to relationships because so far they have all ended, how do I have the faith that I am even capable of having a long-term relationship? This question really illuminates one of the major misunderstandings about relationships, which is that the success of a…

What have you always wanted to hear?

Last weekend I facilitated a workshop for 28 twenty-something women. On their intake questionnaires I asked what they wanted to get from their participation. The majority of them responded that they were looking for advice on how to get the career, relationship, and body they wanted. But when I read between the lines of each…

The Only Reason You Are Suffering Over Being Single!

Being single can really suck. Especially when you don’t want to be single and especially on holidays like yesterday. But what if I told you that there is really only one thing that is causing you to suffer over your relationship status AND that you could shift it in an instant? Here is the truth…

Do You Want a Miracle?

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein Today feels like a great day for a miracle, doesn’t it? Webster defines a miracle as: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs; an extremely…

The Best Valentines Day Card I Got

“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.” Sophocles “Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.” -Unknown Happy Valentines Day! Do you hear that and cringe because you…

I want to talk to you about your love life

My UPdate to you today is very personal – it’s about our love lives. In my work with people, I’ve seen the most struggle, pain, and confusion around love.  In fact it’s been the part of my own life that has brought the majority of “growth experiences” (otherwise known as challenges!).  So how come LOVE…

How To Maintain Internal Peace!

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl Last week I was looking at an email on my phone while stopped at a red light.  All of a sudden I heard ferocious honking and…

I have lots to share with you!

Hey everyone! We are almost to the end of the first month of 2012 and time continues to fly by. Last year was full of transitions and huge growth opportunities (translation: tough stuff) for many people. The good news is that 2012 will be a smoother ride for most of us – but it will…

Is life not looking like you thought it would?

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Keonig Since I was a little girl I have wanted children. I loved playing house and had a collection of dolls that I mothered. By this point…

“Are You Overdosing On Self-Help?”

“It only takes one person to change your life – you.” Ruth Casey Are you overdosing on self-help? This may seem like an ironic question coming from me since my passion and career is all about personal growth. But here’s the thing: I’ve noticed that a lot of people who embark on a journey of…

The most important thing to be in 2012

“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” Franklin P. Jones Are you reinvigorated and ready to make 2012 your best year yet? Perhaps you are three days into your new workout routine, diet, meditation practice or creative endeavor that you resolved to commit to this year. Awesome! I’m…

What? A pop quiz on the first Monday of the New Year?!?

Because I know that you are eager students of life, I am kicking off the New Year with a pop quiz to prepare you for our super cool online course that begins in one week! Okay so maybe it is just the inner nerd in me who actually likes quizzes, but this will be easy,…

My New Year’s Ritual

Every year at this time I share my New Year ritual. This is an incredibly powerful process that I have done the past seven years and shared with my readers and clients. Over the years, I have heard of numerous miracles and success stories from people who have engaged in this process. In fact just…

A gift from me to you

This year for the holidays I wanted to be able to give you a present so I created an ebook especially for all of you that has been inspired by all of you. It’s called, “32 Days of UPleveling your Mind and UPlifting your Heart: Extraordinary Life Lessons From Ordinary Situations.” This ebook is a…

You are never truly alone!

“If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company. Jean-Paul Sartr & “All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone.” Jean de la Bruyere & Being alone. It can be a wonderful time to recharge, relax and just be. And it can also feel really lonely.  Many of…