

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

EP 439: Stop Expecting a Relationship to Change and Make a Change with Em

This coaching call is about why we stay in relationships that are not for our highest good and how to have the courage to get out of them. Today’s caller, Em, has been married for four years. Both she and her partner have faltered in their commitments during that time. She asks Christine for guidance…

Coaches Corner: A Meditation to Connect with Your Inner Child

I have a special treat for you this week…a guided visualization to connect or reconnect to your inner child. I also share about the 3 life changing results that happen when you do inner child work. You can access the replays from the workshop here: https://christinehassler.com/joy/#signup Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | Android…

EP 438: Stop the Pattern of Either/Or Thinking with Rebecca

This coaching call is about believing you can have what you want. Today’s caller, Rebecca, grew up wondering if her mother’s love was conditional. She asks for guidance on how to believe she can get what she wants without her life always being one way or the other. This episode will resonate with you if…

Coaches Corner: Feel Less Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm

Today I unpack how your childhood imprinted your nervous system and mind which informs how you experience stress, anxiety and overwhelm. If you ever feel frustrated that you experience these feelings so often and/or so intensely, don’t miss this episode! Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | Android | Google

EP 437: Get Out of Your Head with Ivy

This coaching call is about getting out of our heads and into our bodies. Today’s caller, Ivy, had to suppress her natural inclinations as a child and she doesn’t feel safe in her body. She asks Christine for guidance around releasing the blocks to get what she wants from life. This session is extremely helpful…

Coaches Corner: How to Actually Know When Your Inner Child is Triggered and What to Do About it

We got a lot of feedback and questions from our last episode where we shared about some big inner child triggers that were coming up for us. In this episode we break down what exactly was being triggered, how we knew it was our inner child and how we handled it. We also give YOU…

EP 436: What to do When Guilt and Grief Go Together with Michelle

This coaching call is about grief and guilt about past choices. Today’s caller, Michelle, is doing her best to navigate through the guilt and shame she feels about a decision she made. This is a beautiful conversation that can be triggering for a lot of reasons. Please listen with an open heart, open mind, and…

Coaches Corner: My Hubby and I Talk About Why Inner Child Work Is So Important to Our Marriage and Parenting

This is a juicy one! Stef and I talk about how our daughter Athena is taking us to the next level of inner child work…for ourselves and others. We discuss what inner child healing is and why it’s so important – and what can happen (or not happen) in your life if you “keep the…

EP 435: How to Clear the Blocks to Go After What You Truly Desire with Matt

This coaching call is about removing blocks. Today’s caller, Matt, has fears related to starting a new entrepreneurial business based on childhood wounding. Christine offers guidance about how he can release his self-protective mechanisms and fears of not being worthy of success. There are life-changing repercussions from significant childhood events where we felt shame, were…

Coaches Corner: Gut Health with Josh Dech

Josh is an ex-paramedic, and Holistic Nutritionist, specializing inIK8VB gut health. It was the successes his clients have had with complex digestive diseases, previously thought to be impossible, that got him connected to some of the world’s most renowned doctors. Since then, he’s been recruited to the Priority HealthAcademy as a medical lecturer, helping educate…

EP 434: How to Create More Romance in Your Relationship with Joey

This coaching call is about doing the work and not expecting a partner to bring the romance to you. Today’s caller, Joey, is yearning for more romance and intimacy in her marriage but her fear of abandonment may be holding her back from deeper intimacy. Christine offers guidance on how Joey can accept her partner…

Coaches Corner: Guided New Year’s Ritual Part Two

This is the second part of my annual ritual to complete this year and step forward into 2024 with intention! In this episode, I guide you through a receiving process and meditation to start 2024 with steps to get clear about what you want to call in. Be sure to listen to the 2023 release…

EP 433: Healing the Sister Wound with Mariella

This coaching call is about letting go of wanting to be right and healing a sister wound. As a teenager, today’s caller, Mariella, idealized her older sister but didn’t agree with her relationship choices. She feels her concern fell on deaf ears. She is asking for guidance on how to let go of her need…

Coaches Corner: Guided New Year’s Ritual Part One

Welcome to my annual two-part ritual to complete this year and step forward into the next with intention! In this episode, I guide you through a step-by-step process to complete 2023 with awareness and intention and let it go! And stay tuned for next week’s episode where I offer you a process to receive 2024.…

Coaches Corner: Transform Your Life by Working in Partnership with Your Emotional Energy with Dr. Julia Digangi

Dr. Julia DiGangi is a neuropsychologist. She has nearly two decades of experience studying the connection between our brains and our behavior. Dr. DiGangi has worked with leaders at The White House Press Office, global companies, international NGOs, and the US Special Forces. Her understanding of stress, trauma, and resilience is also informed by her…

EP 432: Trust That You Can Trust People with Samantha

This coaching call is about learning to trust others. Today’s caller, Samantha, was bullied as a child and finds it difficult to trust others enough to make new friends. She asks for guidance on expanding her circle of friends and allowing herself to be truly seen by others. We can get a thousand compliments, and…

Coaches Corner: Become Emotionally Wealthy and Financially Healthy with Manisha Thakor

Manisha Thakor has worked in financial services for more than thirty years, with an emphasis on women’s economic empowerment and financial wellbeing. A nationally recognized thought-leader in this space, Thakor has been featured in a wide range of publications including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, NPR, PBS, CNN, Real Simple, and Women’s…

EP 431: How to Let Go of Shame & Guilt We’ve Carried Since Childhood with Michelle

This coaching call is about being curious about body parts and sexuality with other children as a child and then feeling shame and guilt about it as an adult. Today’s caller, Michelle, was a curious child who did not have a good representation of what sex was. She asks for guidance on how to forgive…

EP 430: What To Do When Things Feel Out of Control When You Really Like Control with Cato

This coaching call is about feeling out of control when being in control is how we have compensated for not getting what we needed as children. Today’s caller, Cato, is pregnant and her lack of control is creating panic. She asks Christine for guidance on how to be okay with the changes in her life…

Coaches Corner: Reverse Aging And Optimize Health With Dr Florence Comite

Dr. Florence Comite is a clinician-scientist and innovator in the field of precision medicine. She is world-renowned for her expertise in predicting, preventing, and reversing chronic disease and the disorders associated with aging. She is a true disruptor of the status quo, a “doctorpreneur” with a bold mission–to eliminate chronic disease in the world. She…

EP 429: How to Break the Cycle of Engaging with Narcissists with Behnaz

This coaching call is about breaking the cycle of being in unhealthy relationships, specifically with emotionally unavailable or narcissistic people. Today’s caller, Behnaz, feels guilty, exhausted, and angry when dealing with her family and longs for deeper connections. She asks Christine for guidance on how to break the cycle and release her anger. We all…