

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

Coaches Corner: Conscious Connection with Talia Fox

This is the perfect episode to listen to as the holidays are upon us – my guest, Talia Fox, and I talk about how to have healthier, more conscious relationships with ourselves and others. Talia Fox is the CEO of KUSI Global, Inc. She holds an M.Ed. in counseling psychology from Howard University and she…

EP 428: Stop Needing So Much Reassurance in Relationships with Michele

This coaching call is about getting out of the loop of needing reassurance. Today’s caller, Michele, does not feel safe in relationships and asks her partner for constant reassurance. If you have jealousy, worry, or anxiety in relationships or situations, you will find value in today’s episode. There are times when we have insecurity or…

Coaches Corner: How to Do An Anger Burn/Release

I talk quite a bit on the show about how important it is to release our anger in a healthy way. In today’s episode I walk you through how to do one of my favorite and most empowering exercises – an anger burn! If you aren’t quite ready for an anger burn, then starting by…

EP 427: How to Tone Down Hyper-Vigilance with Maria

This coaching call is about giving ourselves the time to be where we are, even if we don’t like it. Today’s caller, Maria, has suffered recent losses. It is causing past grief to surface. She asks Christine for guidance on how to tone down her hyper-vigilance and move through the grief she is experiencing. Many…

Coaches Corner: The Enlightened Entrepreneur with Elizabeth Canon

Known as The Enlightened Entrepreneur, Elizabeth Canon champions a new approach to entrepreneurship for women—out of the pressure cooker and onto a path that is more sustainable, life-giving and prosperous. Many years ago, Elizabeth became an entrepreneur for freedom, but a few years into running her company realized she felt trapped in the business she…

EP 426: How Your Inner Child Can Stop Being Triggered So Much in Relationships with Oliver

This coaching call is about breaking the childhood patterns that show up in relationships. Today’s caller, Oliver, struggles to embody his power and set boundaries when he is triggered in relationships. He asks for guidance on how to break and grow beyond survival patterns. Many of us can relate to being our current age but…

Coaches Corner: How to Lead (and Live) from the Heart, rather than the Head with Dr. Kirstin Ferguson

We are all leaders, no matter what our job is. And we all have leadership styles that may or may not be the most aligned or effective. Dr. Kirstin Ferguson joins to discuss how we can lead others and ourselves from a place of love. She is a prominent leadership expert and a highly experienced…

EP 425: How to Know if Something in a Relationship is a Dealbreaker with Sammie

This coaching call is about understanding the reason we may be doubting a relationship. Today’s caller, Sammie, has doubts about her relationship and is wondering if she should stay in it. Christine guides her to change her perception and look at the situation differently. There are many people who would be better off by leaving…

Coaches Corner: Embrace your Weird and Witchy with Sarah Jenks

Sarah Jenks is an ordained Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School. Sarah thought she was destined to have an “in the box” life after going to a top college, working in advertising, and then creating a successful emotional eating company. One day she walked into her therapist’s office where the remnants of a sacred…

EP 424: Reframing How We Perceive a Change with Lori

This coaching call is about reframing a situation to help make a change. Today’s caller, Lori, is settling and staying in a situation that isn’t what she wants, deserves, or values, out of fear of making a change. Christine offers guidance about how she can raise the bar, work through old patterns, and have the…

Coaches Corner: Heal (and Relax Around) Your Relationship with Money with Kate Northrup

My longtime friend and the #1 resource I recommend when it comes to shifting your relationship with money, Kate Northrup, joins me today for an insightful and inspiring conversation about money. As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and mother, Kate Northrup has built a multimedia digital platform called The Origin Company that reaches hundreds of thousands…

EP 423: Working with Old Triggers and New Relationships with Manpreet

This coaching call is about old triggers in new situations. Today’s caller, Manpreet, is dating someone new and would like guidance on how to keep old triggers out of her new relationship. She has done healing work and is drawing what she wants into her life, but is frustrated when old patterns reemerge. When women…

Coaches Corner: Eat (and Live) Smarter with Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson is the author of the USA Today National bestseller Eat Smarter and the international bestselling book Sleep Smarter. He’s also creator of The Model Health Show, featured as the number #1 health podcast in the U.S. with millions of listener downloads each month. A graduate of the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Shawn studied…

EP 422: How to Make Sense of Your Intuition with Michaela

This coaching call is about making sense of our intuition. Today’s caller, Michaela, wants to drop fully into what she is feeling but is unsure whether her intuition is just a fear-based response to her past. She asks Christine for guidance on how to decipher her feelings and how to trust her intuition. We all…

Coaches Corner: Improve Your Financial Health with Kimberlee Davis

Kimberlee’s book and podcast, THE FISCAL FEMINIST, is a financial wake-up call for women in which she shares her personal and professional expertise to help women improve their financial health, money-proof their relationships and learn how to be intentional and strategic with their finances and careers. Kimberlee has more than 25 years of finance, legal…

EP 421: How to Take Risks When You Aren’t Used to Taking Risks with Alana

This coaching call is about overcoming the fear of stepping out of our comfort zones. Today’s caller, Alana, has always played it safe by never stepping out of her comfort zone. She asks Christine for guidance about how to overcome the fear of taking the risks necessary to move into the life she wants. It…

Coaches Corner: Overcoming Mom Guilt and Creating Secure Attachment

This is a conversation I loved having because it is SO relevant for me right now as a new mom. We cover mom guilt, parenting shaming, attachment theory, forgiving ourselves over what what we “should have done” and SO much more. My guest, Ellen Boeder, MA, LPC has been a licensed psychotherapist since 2003. After…

EP 420: How to Stop Attracting the Same Person with a Different Face with Trish

This coaching call is about being in a similar pattern when it comes to dating and relationships. Today’s caller, Trish, longs for a committed relationship but doesn’t understand why she has a pattern of choosing emotionally unavailable people. She asks for guidance on how to choose the right person. So many of our relationship challenges…

EP 419: How to Find Yourself Again After Your Children Are Grown with Julia

This coaching call is about the motherhood transition and finding your identity. Today’s caller, Julia, has children leaving the nest. She is unsure what comes next for her. She asks Christine for guidance about what she can do to discover who she is. The earlier in life we have children the less time we have…

Coaches Corner: The Power and Empowerment of Birth with Lindsey Meehleis

For the past 20 years, Lindsey Meehleis has worked in healthcare but found herself often in the shadows. In the shadows of the night helping women discover their own strength through psychedelic, transcendent experiences while they birth their babies in power at home. As well in the shadows of death as a Midwife who helps…

EP 418: Healing Your Relationship with Your Children with Gail

The essence of this coaching call is about healing a relationship with adult children. Today’s caller, Gail, is dealing with estrangement by her children since her marriage to their father broke up and her ex-husband passed away. She asks for guidance on how to find joy during a new chapter in her life and how…