

The Life Coach Podcast with Christine Hassler

EP 420: How to Stop Attracting the Same Person with a Different Face with Trish

This coaching call is about being in a similar pattern when it comes to dating and relationships. Today’s caller, Trish, longs for a committed relationship but doesn’t understand why she has a pattern of choosing emotionally unavailable people. She asks for guidance on how to choose the right person. So many of our relationship challenges…

EP 419: How to Find Yourself Again After Your Children Are Grown with Julia

This coaching call is about the motherhood transition and finding your identity. Today’s caller, Julia, has children leaving the nest. She is unsure what comes next for her. She asks Christine for guidance about what she can do to discover who she is. The earlier in life we have children the less time we have…

Coaches Corner: The Power and Empowerment of Birth with Lindsey Meehleis

For the past 20 years, Lindsey Meehleis has worked in healthcare but found herself often in the shadows. In the shadows of the night helping women discover their own strength through psychedelic, transcendent experiences while they birth their babies in power at home. As well in the shadows of death as a Midwife who helps…

EP 418: Healing Your Relationship with Your Children with Gail

The essence of this coaching call is about healing a relationship with adult children. Today’s caller, Gail, is dealing with estrangement by her children since her marriage to their father broke up and her ex-husband passed away. She asks for guidance on how to find joy during a new chapter in her life and how…

Coaches Corner: Dispelling Myths and Discovering the Gifts of ADHD with Ryan Mayer

Ryan Mayer, certified ADDCA and ICF coach, is on a mission to empower others with ADHD toward their greatness. He has coached clients from 19 different countries and has nearly half a million followers on social media. His Performance and Mindset Coaching helps others navigate through the storms in their lives caused by ADHD, making…

EP 417: How to Stop Nervous Habits with Jessica

The essence of this coaching call is about our protective patterns manifesting as nervous habits. Today’s caller, Jessica, picks her skin. She would like guidance about understanding her nervous habit and how to stop it. Christine sheds some light on why these kinds of habits exist and why wanting to get rid of them or…

Coaches Corner: A Simple 40 Day Plan to Create Lasting Change in your Life

If you want a simple, effective way to increase the quality of your life don’t miss this episode. I’ve upgraded my 40 day stop-start-modify plan to support you in implementing new habits to create more calm, health, joy and prosperity in your life. Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | Android | Google

EP 416: How to Find Inspiration When Just You Feel Like You Don’t Have Any with Jo

The essence of this coaching call is what causes inspirational blocks and the unhealthy ways we try to motivate ourselves. Today’s caller, Jo, is asking for guidance about how to tap into her inspiration. The pandemic impacted her nervous system and left her lacking the motivation to live into her purpose. Often, what inspires us…

Coaches Corner: Regulating your nervous system with my coach Elisha Halpin

Elisha Tichelle is an alchemist of the nervous system for visionary leaders and heart-centered entrepreneurs. Following a 20-year career as a somatic researcher and professor, Elisha now supports her clients to expand their nervous systems so their work can make a greater impact in the world – without burning out. Elisha’s facilitation guides an expansion…

EP 415: You Are Not in Your Masculine Energy: It’s Hypervigilance with Jo

This coaching call is about the difference between masculine energy and hypervigilance. Today’s caller, Jo, has been caring for her husband after a debilitating accident. She believes she is functioning only in her masculine energy and would like some balance, but her actions may be coming from a response to trauma she hasn’t fully processed.…

Coaches Corner: What’s The Point?

In your personal development journey, you may be asking “what’s the point?” You are doing all this “work” and you are not seeing the changes in your life that you desire. In this CC I answer this question and give you reassurance to keep going. Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | Android |…

EP 414: How to Get Clarity on Whether a Relationship Is Right with Lucy

This coaching call is about how patience and compassion without clarity can lead to resentment. Today’s caller, Lucy, doesn’t feel like a priority in her partner’s life. She asks for guidance on whether the relationship is right for her or if there are too many red flags. Christine shares some skills that can help Lucy…

Coaches Corner: Help Your Baby Feel More Comfortable In Their Body with Philippa Murphy

Philippa Murphy is an Infant Gut Health and Postnatal Practitioner, a Lactation Consultant, Certified Nutritional Health Coach, and an accepted trainer of Health Visitors and Feeding Specialists in the UK. As a five-time Author, with her bestselling book BabyCues Prevent and Remedy Colic, Reflux,Lactose and Dairy Overload Naturally, Philippa is also the Founder of the…

EP 413: How to Surrender and Keep Hope When You Are Not Getting What You Truly Desire with Eva

This coaching call is about surrender and keeping hope. Today’s caller, Eva, is ready to give up hope and accept that she may never get pregnant. But her intuition is telling her that one day she will be a mother. She asks Christine for guidance and clarity about how to shift into acceptance and let…

Coaches Corner: Bitch or doormat?

Ladies, do you lean more toward being a bitch or a doormat? I know that’s not a very nice question to ask, but it’s an important one! We all have the capacity to have bitchy moments when we are impatient, snappy, cold or just a bit rude. And we all have the capacity to have…

EP 412: Is It Really the Fear of Being Seen or Is It Something Else? With Davina

This coaching call is about embracing our mother energy. Today’s caller, Davina, is a life coach struggling to attract her ideal clients. She was told that she may fear being seen, but it didn’t entirely resonate with her. During the session, she discovers that it is an inner-child wound impacting her efforts. When we have…

EP 411: Should We Continue the Relationship After Infidelity? With Jade & Matthew — Part 4

This coaching call is about honoring yourself and another person by completing an unhealthy dynamic. Jade & Matthew both join this couple’s session to ask Christine for guidance about where to go in their current relationship. If you are going through a relationship breakup or if it is time to end a relationship, this episode…

Coaches Corner: What is “leaky” sexual energy?

I’m answering another question from a listener this week! She asked me to expand upon a phrase I’ve used in the show: leaky sexual energy.  In this episode I’ll describe what leaky sexual energy is, where it comes from, how to recognize it, how it impacts relationships and what to do about it. Subscribe in…

EP 410: How to Be a Better Step Mom with Lorena

This coaching call is about when our childhood wounding is triggered by a child. Lorena feels she has a parenting blind spot when it comes to her relationship with one of her stepchildren. She would like guidance on how to be a better stepmom and how to respond rather than react when she is triggered.…

Coaches Corner: Smart Sex with Emily Morse

Let’s talk about sex and shame and desire and pleasure! Emily Morse joins me to dive into why our sex life is so important and how to up our Sex IQ. Emily is the host of Sex with Emily, the #1 podcast on sex and relationships. She received a Doctorate in Human Sexuality from the…

EP 409: Should We Continue the Relationship After Infidelity? With Jade

This call is about deciding whether or not to rekindle a relationship after experiencing infidelity or betrayal. Today’s call was originally intended to be a couples session with Jade and Matthew. But, Jade has decided to exclude Matthew from the call. She describes why she made the decision. Some people can work through infidelity and…